Run 1836

Run 1836
Date : 7th January 2013
Hare : Show Pony
Venue : Queen Elizabeth 111, Hope Island Marina
Runners 30

Weeks to the anniversary of the theft of Australia – 2.5

The inaugural 2013 run of the Gold Coast Hash commenced from the car park of the Hope Island Marina. The evening was warm, very warm, well almost unbearable with very little in the way of breeze. The crowd was well sized with the guest appearance of some old favourites – Bouncer, Josephine, Testicles, Girls amongst others. Had someone let it slip that the run was a freebie? With a stifled tear, Blackie informed the rest of us.

Our host pointed us east, informing us that any check would have an East, West, South or North in its guts, so use the setting sun as a reference and work it out. Several (those with an internal compass) smiled at this until discovering the markings were in Chinese (?) and of use to Charlie Chan only.

We ran along the boardwalk until its zenith at which point a ‘U’ turn ensued, sending us West until we arrived the Grand Canal bridge. I am unable to explain what exactly was ‘grand’ about it; certainly, the derelict looking south bank appeared more ‘ordinary’.

Over the bridge we ran (both of us) certain in the belief it was either a false trail or a swim leg. The trail lead East along the south bank and skirted the water before sending us back West in another ‘U’ turn, de-ja-vu ensued.

We ran back to where Kwakka was sending Elvis, Botcho and Flasher (who had removed a healthy slice of the trail) on home. The pace picked up, as we smelled the finish ahead, which resulted in most pissing wet with sweat.

Aboard the luxury craft (it really is a piece of quality construction and not like the shit boxes they hire out to drunks on Australia Day) we moved gingerly, fearing a first floor collapse or capsize due to our overloading of the builders recommendations. The eskies steadily emptied as we awaited the starters, it appeared that more alcohol could be found at the local mosque.

Food arrived in the form of spring rolls and a crispy batter thing with a dipping sauce that gave acid flashbacks to the black salty meal of couple of years ago. Those present at that run held their breath until the mains were delivered, sighing with relief when it turned out to be beef cooked with Chinese leaf, stock and the world’s hottest chillies, which had been cleverly disguised as olives. The deep sighs manifested as large intakes of breath as the ruse was unearthed.

The dessert course (which arrived after circle had concluded) was delicious – Water melon beautifully sculpted into fruit bowls containing water and rock melon with grapes.

Circle began with the GM calling for the hare, Show Pony to reflect in the praises/criticisms of the pack and answer whether it was a hash run or a marketing ploy?

Two Dogs described the run to all claiming “not a bad effort” and definitely the best run of the year so far. 7/10

Caustic proclaimed the food this year was at least edible, salt reduced compared to previous offerings (I’m afraid you are never going to live that one down) and a score of 7.7/10 was supplied by Rectum who has upgraded it to 7.9 after sampling the fruit platter.

Visitors Steve (a mate of Elvis – (footballer not burger eater) enthused that
the run was fabulous, new faces and friends, Bouncer, Girls

Returners Nasty, Josephine, Pile Driver, Veteran and Rectum

Flasher was invited out to make an apology for his recent demeanour, unable to read it (no spectacles?) he was placed on the ice where to his credit; he actually consumed a DD without throwing it away.

RA and current holder of POW, awarded the POW to Botcho for falsifying hash trash re the xmas eve run.
DD to both Josephine and Veteran who were both competing for the world’s brightest new trainers.

By now the down downs had changed from beer to wine to god only knows what, as the eskies were somewhat depleted.
Iceman ventured out for a joke, riding high on his current impressive form, but pride comes before a fall, leaving the stage fright funnier than the eventual punch line.

Other news – Shats better half had to exit stage left from the mammoth bike ride, fortunately Head Job took over as first reserve. Pizza awarded ‘Most embarrassing moment on New Years Eve’ after attempting to fool the local constabulary that his Grappa was in fact cough mixture. From Nasty – VD’s beach shack is still standing despite many others succumbing to the Tassie fires, our thoughts and best wishes are with you VD.

Next Weeks Run – Sir Slab and Sir Prince at what is becoming the new Len Fox Park – Robina AFL Club, next to the Dog and Parrot. Did someone say bring on the dim Sims?

End of Circle by Josephine

A very big thank you to Show pony and helpers, great eating point and heaps of freshly prepared home cooked food.

On On

Hang On a Sec
Don’t believe a word of it.

Very late this week I’m afraid, finishing off a large contract in Brissy.


January Splinter Lunch. Splinter Hash Summer Cup Golf day

Numbers needed:

Golf and Lunch

Lunch only

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