Run 2163…Hierarchy

Date: 15th April  2019…………………………….
Location: Broadbeach …………………………….

Run Pictures

This is the event of the year where the hierarchy changes place for a new team, for a new year of term and service. To present awards to deserving hash men. The afternoon was bright and clear and free beer was welcomed.

All runners looked so good in the formal dress for this great night. We did notice that the GM slipped away, looking dressed as Jeremy the cricket with his dress tails. He was off on a mission to arrange the AGPU at a secret destination, that of La Pochetta  Restaurant.


A few drinks later, as by a silent command the runners were off, following like the Pipe Piper to our first drink stop at The Broadbeach Pup. After further beers and chat, we all again followed the Pipe Piper onto The Envy Hotel. Along the way, there were many  astonish and inquiring stares from the public.  Then the Pipe Piper led us the evening’s restaurant.


On our arrival at La Pochetta restaurant, the tables were neatly set up with cold beer in stainless steel buckets and bottles of various wines.

The GM Weekly and S-Bends were our Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Menus were presented to the dinners for all sorts of meals, to many to mention. The  ‘starters’ were delived to the tables consisting of chicken prices and calamari rings which was a favourite for all.


The first of the nominations of the evening were for the Hash Flash and the On On Scribe. Fuller Shit is now our new cameraman and Carefree is the newly nominated Scribe. For their term in office they were presented with T-Shirts.


The runners enjoyed all the proceedings of awards and new nominations and contributed to high chatter level in the restaurant.  The very active evening for good reason, could not be fully recorded. The  nominations and rewards list is included in this newsletter, to see and congratulate your new hierarchy for the year 2019 to 2020.


This night, Nasty reminds us what Hashing is all about.”We are a group on men who do have fun and share fun moments with all men.”


9.45 pm.  The evening eventually closed with some runners returning to previously visited pubs.


I trust my words have entertained you and placed a few smiles on your faces, of the antics some runners get up to.  Have delivered the year 2018 to 2019 history of the Gold Coast Hash, so we are able to read the good times we have had again. Thanking you for contacting those absent mates.

On On Sec.     Square Root.   2018/2019.

GCH3 Awards 2019

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