Run 1797

Run: 1797
Date: Monday 9th April 2012
Hare: Missing Link
Venue: Park at Monaco Street
Runners: 24

Weeks to AGPU: 9
Normally one would expect a small crowd on an Easter Monday holiday, however 24 managed to show up for tonight’s event, showing just how lacking a life many have.
The car park was at capacity as we juggled spaces and double parked around the visitors walking their furry mutts unaware of the arriving rabble.
Missing Link advised it was a short token run and smart Hashers would be advised to stay back and “get on it” instead. Alas, not being the smartest mob around, the pack headed off to see what would transpire. We headed west down the path and soon came to the first check.
I went right and discovered the first on back but did manage to persuade a few to follow. Some returned (I think) but most, knowing the surrounds, headed further west and again picked up the trail running parallel along Monaco Street. The walkers and a few others shortcutted across the paddocks never to be seen again.
The small remaining pack headed towards the edge of the park near the flyover and found another check. At this pint something went wrong, off course the Hare blamed us but that’s Hash.
We found the On Trail under the bridge and found the On Back up towards Bundall road but somehow we missed the run leg down past the PCYC and instead we headed further east along Monaco Street to the next check.
Sir Cumference and I found the right trail whilst Flasher (as he does) and Elvis continued on towards Rio Vista. We found Pacific Ave and headed right towards the inevitable foot bridge to find the Hard On arrows, which apparently doubled as On Back arrows for the false trail we missed earlier, apparently.
We then came across a check with arrows in two directions, however not in the direction we found the home trail (after some advice from truck Tyre heading in the opposite direction), go figure.
We got home in about 20 minutes and soon sighted Flasher and Elvis coming home from the totally opposite direction stating they had decided to do some extra just for the sake of it.
The pack was soon all back and declared war on the ravenous midges with gallons of Aeroguard being sprayed in the manner of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War. Nasty arrived on the scene at 6:15pm, with the pack wondering whether it was pure stupidity in not reading the emails or sheer cunning in avoiding the run.
The Hare soon provided one of his signature dishes of a fine curry and rice with all the trimmings including tomatoes, cucumbers, peanuts, extra chillies, bread, pappadams, etc. etc. and finished with a dessert of Easter eggs served up by guest Easter Bunny, Sir Rabbit (in appropriate Rabbit attire).
During the casual sit down circle, and in absence of some hierarchy members (Hash Cash at lavish beachside retreat of course, and RA absent at mountain top retreat, and swollen, well, just absent) the GM called on Cumsmoke as guest RA. It was too late to realise his error as Cumsmoke, again feeling the power of days gone by, pounced on the opportunity and proceeded to work his way through a number of the Hierarchy with various charges. The food was given a 9.5/10 by the GM and the run was given a 10/10 by the Hare, giving a self-critique as he was the only one to do the entire circuit. A good effort and a great feast Link, well done.
Please contact Shat if you are attending the H3 Sunday lunch at Burleigh on the 22nd April
PS Don’t forget the big 1800th action packed, fun filled event happening on the 30th April!!


Down Downs:
Caustic: Letting bunger off in GM’s ear (and iced appropriately)
Missing Link: Hare
Sandpit: Returning runner from years gone by
Sandpit: Not wearing Hash shirt even though had one in car
Botulism, Truck Tyre, Testicle, VD, Short Circuit & Moonbeams: Returning runners
Sir Slab, Nasty, Flasher & Head Job: Caught engaging in secret training
Botulism: For volunteering guest RA, Cumsmoke, for Hash Flash job (plus deleting photos)
Jigsaw & Nasty: Sending frivolous emails and sordid boat excursions respectively
Missing Link: Destroying Moonbeams golf game with phone call during round
Caustic: Hat on in circle & one for Sir Rabbit wearing “hat” in circle
Rug: Getting caught out by Croc to drive two weeks in a row
Sir Rabbit: For wearing Easter Bunny attire
Missing Link: POW (via Flasher as proxy for Show Pony), for confusing arrows
Cumsmoke: Charged by Caustic for debacle at boat ramp on weekend and for shouting profanities in process
On On from “The Desk”
Two Dogs 

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