Run 2076…Hare Slug

Date: 7th August 2017…………………………..
Location: Maimi……………………………………..
Run Pictures…………………………………………..

Clear skies, no wind, cool, beside the beach with full moon reflecting on the calm sea. Perfect weather for a nice walk or run. The dredge ship was all lit up like a small cruiser, slowly edging into shore to dump sand, and ease back out again.

26 runners gathered at the BBQ area just down from the Miami Beach Surf Club off Hythe Street in anticipation of a great run by hare, Slug. He was called out to give run instruction. Said there were two trails, one for the walkers and another for the runners. He described in detail what his arrows looked like using a small piece of stick, and mentioned something about having a tail on the arrows. Everyone shouted “come on, we all know what an arrow looks like”. However, Slug pointed out that there was a run in that area last week, and wanted to differentiate his arrows.

Everyone started north from the BBQ area just after 6:15.  Some on the western side of Marine Parade, others on the walkway on the eastern side, saying the view was better. I noticed walkers seemed to veer off west, but I couldn’t see any arrows, so I kept going north. Finally I did see arrows, and thought it was not a tail on the arrows, it more looked like an arrow with a prick. Well, I suppose, distinctive enough, but then I must have lost the trail, no more arrows. I crossed Marine Parade to another group of walkers who seemed oblivious to following a trail, and was enjoying the walk. A local, Prince Valiant, gave Hard On, Now Loved, GM a commentary on the local housing. We passed Nobby’s Beach Surf Club and kept going north, no arrows with pricks. Prince wanted to show us a particular house of interest which was on the corner of Heron Ave (I think) which was all lit up and probably built on two or three blocks, it was huge. We went down onto the beach and walked about 20 minutes before getting back onto Marine Parade. Good one hour walk, but we cannot comment on the set walk, sorry, Slug, we lost the trail somewhere, but we enjoyed it. Time to dive in to a cold beer.

Slug appeared with some eskies and pots, and I noticed hashers wandering up to the BBQ area. Don’t know how it happens but I am sure nobody called food was on, just a sixth sense, and there was a queue. Esky had rice, the pot had chilli con carne, then came the difficult bit, trying to get the sour cream out of the little cartons. I grabbed one and squeezed enough out. Went back for seconds, plenty of rice, and I managed to scrape the pot for some remaining chilli. I thought it was all over, and washed my plate and spoon in the VERY hot water nearby, put the plate and spoon away, then saw hashers coming back with dessert. Bugger, I went up to have a look, and saw a few bowls behind the ice cream, had a tussle with Rock Hard to get a bowl, and dived into the fruit and ice cream. I heard a few ramblings about that the dessert should have been Pussy Sticky Date Pudding instead. I reckon Pussy may have had a bit more involvement in the chilli also.

GM called the circle to order and called out the hare. Seems like Brutus, Ice Man and Blackie were the only ones to do the run, Brutus was called out to comment on the run, and being last to pay. Bad luck that, the three runners staggered back last anyway, I guess Blackie and Ice Man were faster at paying. Apparently the run went west over to Rio Vista and Pizzy Park????

There was no one called to give a nosh report, and Slug protested. GM called a show of hands, all OK. Good nosh.

Shat was called out for suggesting Pussy had the best sticky date.

Truckie and Jigsaw were called out. Hmmmm. Aren’t they on the committee and therefore exempt? GM had other ideas, the pair was heading off to the Cape later this week. GM very kindly offered them each a map of Queensland showing the starting point and the end point in case they get lost and suggesting they keep the sea on their right going north. They had a down down anyway.

Carefree was called out for trying to trip and knock down the GM at the start of the run, he just turned left suddenly.

RA strolled into the middle of the circle and recounted how a hasher was delivered cream and cheese onto his head and being called dairy (dare he)??? Carefree was called out.

GM then asked former Uber driver, Now Loved, if drivers were supposed to take passengers to their destinations. Shat was called out for having three stops, however, Nasty took the punishment as Shat was the designated driver that night.

Elvis noted that there were a number of walkers, striders and runners going past the circle and looking in. He suggested that every time someone passed by, to sing out a gay rights song, especially seeing how the cock was impaled on top of the RA’s staff. Expressions of agony or ecstasy?

There were apologies from Miscarriage and his accomplice Missing Link who were going away to KL early following morning. Not a good enough reason to miss hash, in my opinion.

GM came back to the circle. He called out all those with the new pants, Elvis, Brutus, Rock Hard, Hard On, Shat, Truckie and Rabbit. I don’t know why the gay right song started up again, maybe another passer by?

Blackie reported that Croc was doing incredibly well. He was dressed and sitting in a chair, doing a bit of walking. Although he had lost weight, he had put on another 7 kilos. He was doing physio, and was expecting to be moved to the Allamanda rehab unit. The booking link has been removed temporarily until he knew when he would be moved. Croc had a computer, and could communicate by email or messaging. Truckie said that generally he was very much brighter, in fact, looking forward to getting a camper van and planning some trips. We hope he is not getting overwhelmed by the visits. Maybe we might get an update from Croc himself!

I had a look around the circle and couldn’t see who the Prick of the Week was, but the bag was on the ground in the circle. Brewtus stepped forward and donned the prick and cup (cap). After deliberating, he called of Nasty for pulling out of Cape York. Nasty put on the POW gear as a couple of gorgeous girls walked by bemused, and Elvis started the gay rights song again before Nasty downed the yard.

Elvis has stepped in to do next week’s run at a Thai restaurant to moans from hashers. Not again! Elvis then suggested he could do the run from the Arundel mosque instead as the imam was a fellow soccer player. He would check and let trail master know.

Circle was closed.

Remember to use [email protected] if you have a story for RA.

On on

Mad Mike

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